It refers to the process whereby red blood cells rupture and their contents leak out into the bloodstream. Hemolysis can happen in vivo or in vitro, the first being linked to medical conditions, and the latter being a marked challenge for the medical sector as it hinders clinical testing.

Below we discuss the two scenarios of red blood cell lysis, when it occurs in the body and outside of it, giving an overview of how it occurs and its significance.

Red blood cell lysis in vivo

In vivo hemolysis has numerous causes and is linked with multiple diseases. It is characteristic of a group of conditions known as hemolytic anemias, the causes of which include immune-mediated erythrocyte destruction, such as neonatal isoerythrolysis; incompatible blood transfusion; drugs including penicillin and heparin; fragmentation, such as disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), vasculitis, and uremia; hemoparasites, such as Babesia spp.; infectious agents, including Leptospira, Ehrlichia, Clostridium, and equine infectious anemia virus; hypo-osmolality; hypophosphatemia; some chemicals and plants, such as red maple and phenothiazine; and liver failure.

Other causes of hemolysis include artificial heart values, heart-lung bypass machines, pyruvate kinase deficiency, Wiscott-Aldridge Syndrome, HELLP Syndrome, and more. In total, there may be more than 50 causes of in vivo hemolysis. These causes can be classified as immune or nonimmune, hereditary or acquired.

Essentially, hemolysis occurs in vivo when the rate of red blood cell destruction is increased. This leads to hemoglobin being released into the bloodstream. Usually, red blood cells live for around 120 days, and when they die, the spleen removes them from the blood.

Uterine Artery Hemorrhage

Hemorrhage from the uterine arteries (i.e., the uterine branch of the vaginal artery), the uterine artery, and the uterine branch of the ovarian artery is the most common cause of death of the postpartum mare. A study of 98 mares that died postpartum revealed that 40 died from a ruptured uterine artery.61 It is uncommon for these arteries to rupture at times other than in the first several days postpartum.

The condition is usually seen in older mares. Affected mares are often initially in quite an amount of pain, especially if the blood is contained within the broad ligament. The rectal examination in these mares generally reveals a fluctuant mass in the broad ligament. If the broad ligament ruptures and the blood gains access to the abdominal cavity, the mare may not exhibit as much pain. On rectal examination, the broad ligament has a more edematous feel. These mares generally have very pale mucous membranes, a weak pulse, and an elevated heart rate, and they are anxious and often sweating.

Treatment varies depending on the clinician, but it essentially follows the approach taken for hemorrhagic shock (Gentaur).58 Attempts to ligate the ruptured artery have met with limited success.

PCR-MPX218-48D Bioingentech
PCR-MPX218-96D Bioingentech
MULTIPLEX KIT PCR Babesia & Theileria PCR kit
PCR-MPX401-48D Bioingentech
MULTIPLEX KIT PCR Babesia & Theileria PCR kit
PCR-MPX401-96D Bioingentech
Leaf PCR Kit
11140007-1 Bio-WORLD

Filter Transfer Sets

Configurable filter assemblies consist of filter capsules assembled with tubing and connectors for immediate connection to single-use or stainless-steel systems.

Filter Transfer Sets offer:

  • Particle, pre- and bioburden reduction filters
  • Sterile and mycoplasma retention filters
  • Standardized configurations for rapid implementation
  • Broad choice of components, filters, tubes and connectors
  • Closed system available
Filter Assemblies Virus Filter Assemblies Filter Assemblies Final Filling Sensor Assemblies Large Scale Filter Assemblies
Product Name Filter Transfer Sets Virus Filter Transfer Sets Filter Transfer Sets Final Filling Sensor Transfer Sets Maxicaps® MR
Scale PD – Commercial Manufacturing PD – Commercial Manufacturing Clinical – Commercial Manufacturing PD – Commercial Manufacturing Commercial Manufacturing
Filtration Area 0.016 – 3 m2
0.17 – 32.3 ft2
0.2 – 2.4 m2
2.15 – 28.8 ft2
0.05 – 1 m2
0.5 – 10.8 ft2
N/A 3 – 27 m2
32.3 – 290.6 ft2
Delivery Condition Sterile Sterile Sterile Sterile Non-sterile | Sanitary | Sterile
Sterilization Method Gamma irradiation | Autoclave Gamma irradiation Gamma irradiation Gamma irradiation None | Gamma irradiation / Autoclave


Avoiding hemolysis of biological samples

Hemolysis of blood samples before they are tested is a major challenge within the medical industry. It is particularly impactful on emergency departments who need to acquire accurate test results with speed. Hemolysis that occurs in vitro can happen during the collection of the sample, or through the handling of the sample.

It is a significant problem for clinical testing because the lysis of red blood cells can affect the results. The contents that leak from the broken-down cells can directly impact the reading of the results, or they can cause interferences with laboratory analyzers.

Horse Blood Laked
Horse Blood Laked
Rat Cholesterol ELISA ELISA
E01A11128 BlueGene
Rat Cholesterol ELISA ELISA
E02C0745-48wellsplate BlueGene
Rat Cholesterol ELISA ELISA
E02C0745-96wellsplate BlueGene
Goat Cholesterol ELISA ELISA
E01A46041 BlueGene
Goat Cholesterol ELISA ELISA
E06C0745-48wellsplate BlueGene

The magnitude of the impact is dependent on the type of test being performed and the reagents being used. Tests for potassium, lactate dehydrogenase, and aspartate aminotransferase are particularly affected by hemolysis, where the release of cellular contents into the blood plasma falsely increases the values of the target substances.

Other tests are affected in different ways. When only small levels of hemolysis are detected, the levels are reported along with the test result. When levels of hemolysis are high, the results cannot be relied on, and it calls for a recollection of the sample.

Studies have found that hemolysis is the most common cause for samples to be rejected, with 60% of rejections being attributed to hemolysis. Hemolyzed specimens are five times more frequent than the second most common cause of specimen rejection. This demonstrates the severity of the problem that hemolysis brings to the medical community.

Uterine hemorrhage

Hemorrhage from the uterine artery is most commonly seen in older multiparous mares, but has been seen in primiparous mares. Dystocia (q.v.) does not appear to increase its incidence. Hemorrhage is not always fatal if it is contained within the broad ligament and associated tissues, but the mare will exsanguinate if the hematoma ruptures into the peritoneal cavity or the uterus.

Initial signs, seen within minutes or hours of parturition, are acute moderate to severe colic and sweating, with rapid pulse, which progresses to cardiovascular shock. The mare should be kept quiet with mild sedatives and analgesics. Hypotensive tranquilizers such as acepromazine or detomidine may help to encourage clotting to occur in some cases but may risk acceler-ating cardiovascular collapse (q.v.) in others. Fluid therapy with blood or plasma expander or hypertonic saline does not seem to alter the course of the condition and may be contraindicated as it often stresses the mare and increases blood pressure and further hemorrhage, delaying clotting. Treatment with hypertonic saline solutions has been reported to be useful in some cases. In mares that survive, the hematoma will be palpable for some considerable time.

Horse Horse; Equine herpes virus ELISA Kit

MBS1610084-10x96StripWells MyBiosource 10x96-Strip-Wells 4470 EUR

Horse Horse; Equine herpes virus ELISA Kit

MBS1610084-5x96StripWells MyBiosource 5x96-Strip-Wells 2270 EUR

Horse Horse; Equine herpes virus ELISA Kit

MBS1610084-96StripWells MyBiosource 96-Strip-Wells 540 EUR

Horse IgG

31C-CH0801 Fitzgerald 50 mg Ask for price

Horse IgM

31C-CH0813 Fitzgerald 1 mg 369 EUR

Horse CRP

8108 Life Diagnostics 0.1 mg 320 EUR

Horse IgG

E61I024 EnoGene 1mg 225 EUR

Horse IgG

IHR-8160-10 ImmunoBioscience 10 mg 47.75 EUR

Horse IgG

IHR-8160-100 ImmunoBioscience 100 mg 88.2 EUR

Horse IgM

MBS537237-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 645 EUR

Horse IgM

MBS537237-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 2755 EUR

Horse IgG

MBS537629-INQUIRE MyBiosource INQUIRE Ask for price

Horse IgG

MBS8574979-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 305 EUR

Horse IgG

MBS8574979-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 1220 EUR

Horse milk

MBS571955-05mL MyBiosource 0.5mL 195 EUR

Horse milk

MBS571955-5x05mL MyBiosource 5x0.5mL 735 EUR

Horse GGTP

QY-E120082 Qayee Biotechnology 96T 580 EUR

Horse Serum

abx098260-100ml Abbexa 100 ml 410.4 EUR

Horse serum

abx810187-10nmol Abbexa 10 nmol 287.5 EUR

Horse serum

abx810187-5nmol Abbexa 5 nmol 250 EUR

Horse serum

IHR-8139 ImmunoBioscience 20 ml 47.75 EUR

Horse Serum

MBS571961-1mL MyBiosource 1mL 160 EUR

Horse Serum

MBS571961-5x1mL MyBiosource 5x1mL 575 EUR

Horse leptin

MBS400029-01mg MyBiosource 0.1mg 220 EUR

Horse leptin

MBS400029-05mg MyBiosource 0.5mg 545 EUR

Horse leptin

MBS400029-10mg MyBiosource 10mg 4765 EUR

Horse leptin

MBS400029-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 845 EUR

Horse leptin

MBS400029-5mg MyBiosource 5mg 3080 EUR

Horse Blocker

20960002-1 Glycomatrix 100 mL 53.99 EUR

Horse Blocker

20960002-2 Glycomatrix 200 mL 78.08 EUR

Horse Glucose

QY-E120080 Qayee Biotechnology 96T 580 EUR

Horse Lactate

QY-E120087 Qayee Biotechnology 96T 580 EUR

Horse Haptoglobin

8150 Life Diagnostics 1 mg 275 EUR

Horse IgG (Fc)

31C-CH0804 Fitzgerald 1 mg 304 EUR

Horse IgG (Fc)

MBS537860-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 540 EUR

Horse IgG (Fc)

MBS537860-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 2280 EUR

Horse IgG (Fab)

31C-CH0810 Fitzgerald 2 mg 342 EUR

Horse IgG (HRP)

65C-CH0803 Fitzgerald 1 mg 169 EUR

Horse IgG (HRP)

MBS538961-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 325 EUR

Horse IgG (HRP)

MBS538961-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 1320 EUR

Horse IgG (Fab)

MBS537569-2mg MyBiosource 2mg 595 EUR

Horse IgG (Fab)

MBS537569-5x2mg MyBiosource 5x2mg 2515 EUR

Horse IgG (FITC)

65C-CH0802 Fitzgerald 1 mg 148 EUR

Horse IgG (FITC)

MBS538960-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 305 EUR

Horse IgG (FITC)

MBS538960-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 1230 EUR


KT-487 Kamiya Biomedical Company 96 tests 524 EUR


KT-609 Kamiya Biomedical Company 96 tests 524 EUR


KT-610 Kamiya Biomedical Company 96 tests 524 EUR


KT-611 Kamiya Biomedical Company 96 tests 524 EUR


KT-660 Kamiya Biomedical Company 96 tests 573 EUR

RapidFinder™ Horse ID Kit(Horse Ingredients Identification Kit)

DWJD012 Unibiotest 100 Tests/kit 800 EUR

Horse Serum - 100ml

HO-290/100 Biosera France - Medical Scientific Equipment 100ml 10.29 EUR

Horse Serum - 500ml

HO-290/500 Biosera France - Medical Scientific Equipment 500ml 37.9 EUR

Horse Ig fraction

31R-1005 Fitzgerald 10 mg 136.8 EUR

Horse Ig fraction

31R-1029 Fitzgerald 10 mg 92 EUR

Horse IgG protein

31R-1055 Fitzgerald 10 mg 153 EUR

Horse Ig fraction

AS10-866 Agrisera AB 10 mg 113 EUR

Doner Horse Serum

F0605-050 GenDepot 500ml 181.2 EUR

Horse Ig fraction

MBS5308129-10mg MyBiosource 10mg 200 EUR

Horse Ig fraction

MBS5308129-5x10mg MyBiosource 5x10mg 750 EUR

Donor Horse Serum

MBS556472-3L MyBiosource 3L 380 EUR

Donor Horse Serum

MBS556472-5x3L MyBiosource 5x3L 1555 EUR

Horse Ig Fraction

MBS687004-10mg MyBiosource 10mg 135 EUR

Horse Ig Fraction

MBS687004-5x10mg MyBiosource 5x10mg 455 EUR

Horse Genomic DNA

PCR-706 Jena Bioscience GmbH 20µg 68.12 EUR

Donor Horse Serum

SER006 Neuromics each 46.8 EUR

Horse RBC antibody

20R-RR023 Fitzgerald 20 mg 389 EUR

Horse RBC antibody

20R-RR024 Fitzgerald 5 mg 676 EUR

Normal Horse Serum

88-NE21 Fitzgerald 100 ml Ask for price

Normal Horse Serum

88R-1020 Fitzgerald 10 ml 166 EUR

Horse IgA Antibody

GWB-Q00116 GenWay Biotech 2 ml Ask for price

Horse CD4 Antibody

GWB-Q00961 GenWay Biotech 2 ml Ask for price

Horse CD2 Antibody

GWB-Q01398 GenWay Biotech 2 ml Ask for price

Horse IgA Antibody

GWB-AD0357 GenWay Biotech 1 mg Ask for price

Horse IgM Antibody

GWB-9864FA GenWay Biotech 1 mg Ask for price


MBS230282-10mg MyBiosource 10mg 335 EUR


MBS230282-5x10mg MyBiosource 5x10mg 1325 EUR

Source :

  1. NCBI
  2. Gentaur


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